一、講者簡介 Speaker Biogrophy

Knut Skansen館長來自於德拉門鎮,目前居住在挪威首都奧斯陸。 Skansen館長擁有奧斯陸大學的哲學碩士學位。自2001 年到 2009 年,Skansen館長 擔任 Best Western Hotel Bondeheimen 的總經理。 於2009 年其加入奧斯陸公共圖書館網絡- Deichman,擔任該市圖書館新總館的專案經理。 Skansen館長自 2018 年起接任 Deichman 的圖書館館長。 2020 年 6 月 28 日,挪威奧斯陸市新圖書館 Deichman Bjørvika開始營運。 Deichman 圖書館組織目前由 22 個圖書館組成。

Director Knut Skansen is originally from the town of Drammen, but now resides in Oslo, the capital of Norway. Skansen holds a Master of Philosophy from the University of Oslo. From 2001 to 2009, Skansen was General Manager of the Best Western Hotel Bondeheimen. In 2009, he joined Deichman, Oslo’s network of public libraries, as Project Manager for the city’s new main library. Skansen filled the position of Interim Library Director for Deichman from 2016 until 2018. Since 2018, he has served as Library Director for Deichman. On June 28, 2020, the city of Oslo opened its new main library, Deichman Bjørvika. The Deichman network currently consists of 22 libraries.

二、講題摘要 Abstract


奧斯陸公共圖書館成立於 1785 年,由 22 個圖書館組成。在過去的6年中,該市幾乎所有的分館都進行了大規模的升級和翻新。設計過程的核心精神在於高度重視社會互動,以及為社區創造“公共生活空間”。這一系列的發展重新定位了城市中的圖書館,使它們比以往任何時候都更加相關。 2020 年 6 月,隨著新中央圖書館 20.000 平方米的大型 Deichman Bjørvika 的啟用,此發展則達到了高峰。儘管受到全球疫情的影響,Deichman Bjørvika 已經達成了每年 200 萬人次的目標。在本次講座中,Knut Skansen館長之重點將放在空間的設計和發展過程以及員工能力、技術使用和讀者參與的變化上。在講座的最後,Knut Skansen館長將為大家說明奧斯陸公共圖書館未來幾年的主要發展策略方向。

Oslo public library, founded in 1785, consists of 22 libraries. During the last 6 years, almost all branch in the city have undergone an extensive upgrade and refurbishment. At the core of the design process is strong focus on social interaction and creating “public living rooms” for the communities. The development has repositioned the libraries in the city and made them more relevant than ever. This development culminated with the opening of the 20.000 square meters big Deichman Bjørvika, the new central library, in June 2020. Deichman Bjørvika has already reached the goal of 2 million visits per year despite the effects of the pandemic. In this lecture, the focus will be on the design process and development of the rooms as well as the change in staff competence, use of technology and user involvement. At the end of the lecture, I will draw up the major strategic lines for Oslo Public library for the next years.

活動時間 2021/10/07 16:00 ~ 2021/10/07 17:00
報名時間 2021/08/18 ~ 2021/10/06
參加對象 圖書館從業人員、一般大眾
活動類別 演講
活動場次 2
學習性質 數位
學習類別 圖書博物管理
活動費用 0
是否額滿 未額滿
主辦單位 國家圖書館
名額(人) 175/300
數位時數 1
實體時數 0
聯絡資訊 承辦人姓名:杜小姐
Email : cherrydu@ncl.edu.tw