變動世界下的大英圖書館The British Library in a Changing World
1. 講者簡介 Speaker Biography

Roly Keating 執行長自20129月起接任大英圖書館首席執行長一職。於其任職至今,Keating 執行長推展了各項重要計劃並促進大英圖書館之發展,包括: 2015 年推出 Living Knowledge-展現大英圖書館雄心壯志之新願景和發展策略、文化和學習活動的重大擴展,如:關於大憲章和哈利波特等指標性展覽、與公共圖書館建立新的泛英國合作夥伴關係,包括成功的商業與知識產權中心國家網絡、推動「Save Our Sounds 」數位計劃,以保護英國的聲音文化遺產、連結圖書館倫敦總部附近35個學術、文化、調查、科學和媒體機構,建立知識型組織的創新合作夥伴關係,促成「Knowledge Quarter」知識園區的建立、於倫敦和約克郡啟動重大資本項目,包括於Boston Spa campus圖書館的全面更新和在Leeds創建一個重要的新公共空間。

Keating 執行長於BBC 擔任節目製作人和廣播主管的漫長而成功的職業生涯之後,投身於圖書館領域。其任職於BBC時,於推展 UKTV 的歷程中擔任關鍵之角色,且擔任首任節目負責人;於 2002 年擔任BBC 第四台台長一職;在成為 BBC 第二台 台長及檔案內容總監之前,負責 BBC 的線上服務(包括 BBC iPlayer)的編輯監督。

Keating 執行長同時也是 英國第四頻道 的董事會成員和英國Clore領袖培訓計劃( Clore Leadership Programme) 的理事。其亦主持歐洲國家圖書館員會議和 AHRC 資助的為期 5 年的研究計劃「走向國家收藏」(Towards a National Collection的指導委員會。

Roly Keating 執行長 擁有林肯大學、華威大學和約克大學的榮譽博士學位。

Roly Keating has been Chief Executive of the British Library since September 2012.


In his tenure so far, he has overseen a series of significant developments including: the launch in 2015 of Living Knowledge, an ambitious new vision and strategy; a major expansion of cultural and learning activities, including landmark exhibitions on Magna Carta and Harry Potter; new pan-UK partnerships with public libraries including the successful Business & IP Centre national network; digital initiatives including Save Our Sounds to preserve the UK’s audio heritage; the creation of the Knowledge Quarter, an innovative partnership of knowledge-based organisations near the Library’s London HQ; and the initiation of major new capital projects in London and Yorkshire, including full-scale renewal of the Library’s Boston Spa campus and creation of a major new public space in Leeds.


Roly joined the Library after a long and successful career as a programme-maker and broadcasting executive at the BBC, where he played key roles in the launch of UKTV, as its first Head of Programming, and BBC Four, as its launch Controller in 2002, before moving on to become Controller of BBC Two and Director of Archive Content, with editorial oversight of the BBC's online services including BBC iPlayer.

Roly is a member of the board of Channel 4 and a Trustee of the Clore Leadership Programme.  He chairs the Conference of European National Librarians and the Steering Committee for the 5-year AHRC-funded research programme Towards a National Collection


Roly holds Honorary Doctorates from the Universities of Lincoln, Warwick and York.

演講摘要 Abstract

隨著大英圖書館在 2023 年迎來成立 50 週年,大英圖書館首席執行長Roly Keating將談論大英圖書館在面臨不斷變動的世界,其所提出的相關因應。Keating執行長將以大英圖書館最新的發展策略-「Living Knowledge for Everyone」,探討大英圖書館在英國文化和經濟復興中所扮演的角色及發揮的作用。多年來,大英圖書館一直透過其館藏及其商業和智慧財產權中心(Business and IP Centre )來支持工業、商業和創新,在新冠病毒的疫情之下,這些努力比以往任何時候都更加重要。Keating執行長將介紹英國北部和南部正在進行的一些基礎建設的提升,主要係擴展國內及國際讀者對於其館藏、文化提供和數位等各項資源的取用。大英圖書館的使命是讓每個人都可以閱覽取用其知識資源,以應用於其研究、靈感和享受,圖書館作為讀者及知識匯聚地之信念亦為重要核心。Keating執行長將與大家分享大英圖書館如何藉由努力提升館員和圖書館讀者的多樣性,以強化其作為一個組織的可持續性和生態責任,以及透過與世界各地的圖書館和相關機構的持續接觸,來因應近日面臨的各項國家性及全球性挑戰。

As the British Library looks towards its 50-year anniversary in 2023, Chief Executive Roly Keating will talk about some of the ways the Library is adapting to our changing world.

Drawing on its recently updated strategy, Living Knowledge for Everyone, Mr. Keating will discuss the British Library’s role in the UK’s cultural and economic renewal. The Library has for many years consistently supported industry, business and innovation through its collections and its Business and IP Centre – efforts that are now more important than ever in the wake of the pandemic. Mr. Keating will describe some of the enhancements to infrastructure being made in the North and South of the country, which aim to widen access to our collections, cultural offerings and electronic resources both nationally and internationally. The British Library’s mission to make our intellectual heritage accessible to everyone – for research, inspiration and enjoyment – remains central, as does a belief that libraries can bring people together. Mr. Keating will explain how the Library has responded to recent national and global challenges by striving to increase the diversity of staff and library users, enhance its sustainability and ecological accountability as an organization, and by its continued engagement with libraries and institutions around the world.

活動時間 2021/09/23 16:30 ~ 2021/09/23 17:30
報名時間 2021/08/18 ~ 2021/09/21
參加對象 圖書館從業人員、一般大眾
活動類別 演講
活動場次 1
學習性質 數位
學習類別 圖書博物管理
活動費用 0
是否額滿 未額滿
主辦單位 國家圖書館
名額(人) 149/300
數位時數 1
實體時數 0
聯絡資訊 承辦人姓名:杜小姐
Email : cherrydu@ncl.edu.tw