

講者:林捷勝(Jason Lim,澳洲伍倫貢大學人文社會學院副教授

講題:從臺灣視角如何看新加坡1955年至1965年的政治發展(Taiwan’s perspectives of political developments in Singapore,1955-1965)







In the 1950s, as several Southeast Asian states began the process of decolonization during the Cold War, Taiwan pursued an active anticommunist agenda in the region to win new allies in a diplomatic tussle with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and to contain the spread of communism. The KMT government also considered itself as the representative of all overseas Chinese, and Singapore is of particular interest as 75 per cent of its population is ethnic Chinese. My presentation will be on the KMT’s two major concerns about Singapore: its political developments (including communist activities and perceived PRC influences), and the ethnic Chinese. I will examine how the Kuomintang (KMT) government in Taiwan monitored the decolonization process in Singapore, starting with the election of the Labour Front in 1955. I will examine how the KMT government viewed internal politics in Singapore, the road towards full autonomy from the British in 1959, joining Malaysia in 1963 and Indonesia’s response through Confrontation, and independence in August 1965.


林捷勝(Jason Lim)博士是澳洲伍倫貢大學(University of Wollongong)人文社會學院亞洲歷史學門副教授。在進入學術界之前,曾在新加坡國家檔案館擔任助理檔案館員和口述歷史研究員。其研究興趣包括冷戰期間的東南亞以及二戰後新加坡華族的歷史。林教授學術著作包括關注新加坡中國茶商的《Linking an Asian Transregional Commerce in Tea》(2010),以及講述了新加坡三輪客車行業之興衰的《A Slow Ride into the Past》(2013),並發表過關於新加坡華族歷史和冷戰期間臺灣與東南亞的關係的文章。林教授目前擔任新加坡南洋理工大學華人遺產中心國際顧問委員會委員,並於2022年當選為英國皇家歷史學會院士。

Jason Lim is Senior Lecturer in Asian History at the University of Wollongong in Australia. Prior to joining academia, he worked in the National Archives of Singapore as an assistant archivist and oral history researcher. His research interests include Southeast Asia during the Cold War and the history of the Chinese community in Singapore after World War II. His works include Linking an Asian Transregional Commerce in Tea (2010), focussing on Chinese tea merchants in Singapore, and A Slow Ride into the Past (2013) on the rise and collapse of the trishaw industry in Singapore. He has also published articles on the history of the Chinese community in Singapore and Taiwan’s relationship with Southeast Asia during the Cold War. He serves as a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Chinese Heritage Centre at Nanyang Technological University. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 2022.


聯絡人:林小姐,E-mail: ccsenews@ncl.edu.tw
活動時間 2024/05/22 14:00 ~ 2024/05/22 15:30
報名時間 2024/04/26 00:00 ~ 2024/05/21 00:00
活動類別 演講
參加對象 一般人士
主辦單位 漢學研究中心
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